OSCC recognizes members , with the exception of the Michael S. Lowe Trophy on a annual basis for their achievements in each category. Awards are handed out during the Annual General Meeting and Banquet held in November


Awarded for Contributions and Commitment to Motorsport

Michael S. Lowe was truly a fan of motorsport and a dedicated member of the motorsport’s community in the Ottawa area. His historical knowledge of motorsport was only exceeded by his enthusiasm and devotion to his car clubs that he was so proud to be a part of. Mike, as he was known by his friends was always involved in some way with motorsport for most of his life. He was a competitor in Ice Racing, Auto Slaloms, Road Races and Hill Climbs. He was the Editor of the Motorsport Club of Ottawa’s monthly newsletter known as the Link. He co-authored “The First 50 Years” which chronicled the history of the Ottawa motorsport community. He was involved with displays at Shopping Malls, entered parades and built Snow sculptures all in the name of motorsport. Mike was always involved in many motorsport activities and it was always done because of his love of our sport. This enthusiasm followed him to England where not surprisingly his involvement continued within the sport. Mike spent many weekends at British tracks with his grandson Lou also known as “my best racing buddy”.  Mike was a true Ambassador of this club and motorsport. When an engine fired up a large smile would always appear, he cherished the sounds, the smells, and above all the camaraderie of the sport. He lived and breathed motorsport and I am sure that if he cut himself, he bled Castrol R. Sadly, we lost Mike on December 2,2020. His Dedication and contributions to the sport is Mike’s legacy and with this trophy his legacy will live on.

This award will be awarded to the persons that best exemplify Mike’s qualities, those qualities being dedication and commitment for the betterment of this club and as an Ambassador for both this club and motorsport. This award has not been designed to be awarded on an annual basis. That is why we are setting the bar high and will only be awarded to those who truly meet the high standards that Mike set as a member of the Ottawa Motorsport community during his lifetime.

This award was created by the OSCC to honour the Instructor who best displays the qualities of a teacher and mentor to their students. The Instructor of the year must also display the enthusiasm and skills involved in teaching and helping students achieve the skills and proper technique required for High Performance Driving as well as maintaining a high degree of professionalism.

Awarded to the Competitor in Karting who has achieved outstanding results while displaying sportsmanship to fellow competitors

This award was created by Sam Mandia and donated to the Ottawa SportsCar Club in 2017. The name is derived from two persons who were a very large part of Sam’s racing Career. Bud Limbrick was Sam’s best friend and teammate, who worked together preparing their race cars and racing together. Pat Billings was Sam’s Brother in Law  who for many years worked preparing Sam’s race car. The intent of the award is honour those who have excelled in Formula Libre and display the qualities of sportsmanship, enthusiasm and the determination to be the best they can be.

Awarded to the official who has devoted their time and energies to support the operation of motorsport events and displays the work ethic required for the success of the event.


Awarded to the Competitor who has achieved outstanding results while displaying sportsmanship to fellow competitors in their Rookie season.

This award was donated to Ottawa SportsCar Club by Robert (Bob) Pasternak October 2018 in honour of the memory of old friends to the motorsport community, Bailey Desjardins and Ralph Dowdall. Each in their own way excelled when it came to things automotive and many a race car were kept running using their often-unconventional methods. Invariably, it was someone else’s race car on which they passed their magic. This award recognizes that spirit of getting the job done and helping others for the pure pleasure of seeing race cars do what they are supposed to do – race.

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Awarded to the Competitor who has achieved outstanding results while displaying sportsmanship to fellow competitors

Award Winners From Previous Years

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