The OSCC was formed in 2017 by a group of individuals with many years of involvement at all levels of motorsport. From young karters to seasoned international officials and everything in between. OSCC has the keenest and most active members of the local motorsport community.


Individual:  $40.00
Family: $40.00 plus $20 for each additional family member residing at the same address.

Memberships are for one year and expire at the end of December. New memberships processed between September 1 and December 31st will be valid until December of the following calendar year.


Membership renewals and new applications and fees are processed through Canadian Automobile Sport Clubs – Ontario Region online facilities here:

If you are unable to use this online facility, please contact us at to make alternate arrangements.

Once your membership application has been successfully processed you will receive an email from CASC-OR

As a member, you can then log into the CASC-OR Members website to apply for a licence or renew this membership.

To reset your password, click the link below and enter your username, and a link to reset your password will be emailed to your address on file.

Forgot Your Password?

If you have forgotten your username, it is generally this pattern:  firstname.lastname unless you have created your own unique username. If you have created your own user name please email membership@ottawasportscarclub .ca to recover your user name




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